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In the world of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and all things social media, some of us are reserved, and some of us are glued to our smart phones. Some don’t have much reserve at all when it comes to what they share on Facebook. And that’s all fine. But it’s imperative that you know what you can share and what you can’t share on social media if you are in the middle of a divorce. Your social media accounts, if necessary, will be investigated by your spouse’s divorce attorney. It’s very common. They’re looking for evidence to use against you, and even seemingly benign posts can end up hurting your reputation in the context of a divorce. A damaging post can affect the outcome of division of marital property, allocation of parental responsibilities, and child and spousal support payments. There are several ways your spouses divorce attorney may use information you post on social media against you in your case.

Don’t Attack Your Spouse

For some of us, it feels like somewhat of a pull, especially during a contentious divorce, to vent out your feelings to a friend regarding your divorce. You may make derogatory remarks regarding your soon-to-be ex-spouse. Even electronic communications, such as emails, can be used as evidence against you during court. Bitter comments regarding any matters revolving your divorce or your spouse can make you appear socially unstable or hateful. A divorce attorney may highlight this behavior and use it against you in the matter of child custody.

Don’t Disclose Anything Suggesting Disposable Income

Many of us love showing the world of social media what we do on vacation and during social outings. During a divorce, this is not a good idea. Is suggests you have disposable income and lucrative assets, even when that’s not actually true. These photos may show a contradictory depiction of your financial standing. Your spouse’s divorce attorney can use these photos, which may be contradictory in nature, to sway the court’s decision on matters such as spousal support, child support, or property allotment.

If You’re Dating, Keep It As Private As Can Be

Some people may look down on those dating while going through a divorce. There are opposing sentiments about it. If you do decide to date during a divorce, it’s best not to advertise it. It could call into question your personal morals. If you have children, it’s best not to bring this your new partner around them. For one, it could truly confuse a child to see their mother or father dating someone else when they’re still not fully understanding of divorce and what it could mean for their future. Secondly, you could end up dating someone you don’t fully know everything about. What if they’ve been in trouble with the law? If your spouse’s divorce attorney finds evidence that you are with someone else – especially anyone who has been in trouble with the law – this could hurt the matter of child custody in your divorce case.

Keep It Simple

You may be driven to use social media during a divorce. It can help you get back out with friends, see what the world has to offer for you – there are plenty of benefits. It’s extremely important, however, to keep some of your affairs off social media during a divorce case. Do not delete your social media accounts without consulting with your attorney first.

Yet Another Angle for Social Media in Divorce

We have heard about communications on Facebook and other social media networks being used as evidence in divorce cases. We have also read about the impact of social media on relationships and divorce. However, yet another association between social media and divorce has emerged in New York.

The New York Daily News reported that a New York Judge allowed a Brooklyn woman to use Facebook to serve divorce papers.

This was a landmark ruling delivered by Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Matthew Cooper. A nurse named Ellanora Baidoo had been unable to locate her elusive husband, Victor Sena Blood-Dzraku. The judge permitted her to send a private message through Facebook to serve the husband with the divorce summons. Ellanora’s attorney would repeat the transmittal once a week for three consecutive weeks or until the husband acknowledged receipt of the summons.

The couple was from from Ghana, and the husband had participated in a civil wedding ceremony in 2009. However, he backed out of the traditional Ghanian wedding ceremony that they had also planned. The wife had wanted both families there. Their marriage was never consummated, and the husband and wife never lived together. Even so, Blood-Dzraku apparently did not want a divorce. He only kept in touch with his wife through Facebook and by phone. His whereabouts were unknown and he vacated the apartment of his last known address in 2011. When his wife spoke with him on the phone, he told her he had no permanent address or employment and refused to make himself capable of being reached. The post office had no forwarding address for him either.

Keeping up with the times, the judge’s ruling provided a solution and set a precedent for other New York divorce cases.

An experienced Long Island diorce lawyer like Chris Palermo can help you overcome the challenges involved with divorce. Work with a compassionate lawyer who can help you make the right decisions and strive for a favorable outcome.

Huntington, NY Divorce  Lawyer talks about Social Media in Divorce