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Long Island Child Custody Attorney

Expert Child Custody Lawyers Serving Long Island, NY

long island child custody lawyerChild custody encompasses the legal right to participate in the upbringing of a child, which involves critical decisions regarding the child’s residence, education, religious upbringing, and healthcare. In divorce proceedings, both parents generally retain custody rights, though one parent may assume a more prominent role as the primary custodian. When determining custody arrangements, New York courts prioritize the child’s well-being, basing decisions on what they determine to be in the child’s best interests. Importantly, New York law affords both parents equal rights in custody matters, prohibiting any preference based on gender. Our Long Island child custody attorney is well-versed in navigating the complexities of such cases.


The two primary types of child custody are joint custody and sole custody. In joint custody arrangements, both parents share the responsibilities of raising their child; however, the court designates one parent with residential custody. Residential custody refers to the primary home where the child resides most of the time. The parent with residential custody is considered the custodial parent, while the other is the noncustodial parent, who typically provides child support.

In sole custody, the court grants one parent both decision-making authority and residential custody. The other parent, as the noncustodial parent, is typically awarded parenting time or visitation rights.


A standard child custody arrangement typically allows the non-residential parent to spend time with the child every other weekend, alternating holidays, one or two non-overnight weekday visits, 50% of school recesses, and two non-consecutive weeks during the summer. However, custody agreements can vary, and increasingly, non-residential parents are seeking and being granted more extensive time with their children than this traditional schedule.


When making custody determinations, courts consider several key factors, including:

  • Each parent’s ability to meet the child’s needs
  • The child’s relationships with siblings and extended family
  • Which parent has been the primary caregiver, such as providing meals, transportation to school, and medical care
  • The parent with whom the child resides when the divorce petition is filed
  • The physical and mental health of both parents
  • Any history of domestic violence by a parent
  • Any history of substance abuse by a parent
  • The amount of time each parent is available to spend with the child
  • The child’s preferences, depending on their age and maturity
  • The parents’ ability to cooperate and support the child’s relationship with the other parent

Our Long Island child custody lawyers can help your family identify the best options for your case.


Getting legal help enables you to make informed decisions. As your Long Island divorce lawyer, I can answer your questions, explain your legal rights, and work with you to achieve a favorable custody outcome that is best for you and your child.

Call (631) 265-1051 or use our online contact form to arrange a free consultation today.


Chris Palermo has a distinguished record of success in all aspects of divorce and family law. While divorce is undoubtedly challenging, it does not need to be contentious. Whenever possible, Chris works collaboratively with opposing counsel to achieve amicable resolutions, securing the best possible outcome for his clients in the most efficient manner. However, as a seasoned litigator, he is fully prepared to advocate skillfully in court when a trial is necessary. Chris has successfully handled a wide range of divorce and family law cases. Beyond his advocacy, he is committed to listening to his clients’ concerns and providing informed guidance, helping them navigate the difficult changes their families may be facing.

Contact Our Long Island Child Custody Attorney Today

Chris Palermo represents a wide array of clients in matrimonial and family law matters and is committed to achieving optimal results for every client. Toward this end, Mr. Palermo or his partner Riley Perry will personally represent each client every step of the way. Our Long Island Child Custody Attorney pledges the following throughout his representation:

  • Your initial consultation is always free.
  • You will be kept informed of all aspects of your case.
  • Return your calls and Emails within 24 hours.

Reach out to our lawyers today for assistance with your child custody case. We are here to support you and supply you with the necessary information to make the best decisions for your family.